Vision & Mission


      To emerge as an institute of excellence by imparting quality higher education to the youth, not only focused on imparting subject knowledge and skills, but also to mould the students with better conduct and character, committed to the societal needs and national development.


  • To be innovative, inclusive and committed to excellence in teaching, research and knowledge transfer and to serve the social, cultural and economic needs of the Society
  • To innovate and offer educational programmes in various disciplines with synergistic interaction with the industry and society
  • To impart knowledge and skills to students equipping them to be ready to face the emerging challenges to the knowledge area
  • To provide equal opportunity to women students and prepare them to be equal partners in meeting the scientific and technological demands of the nation
  • To provide opportunity for the rural and underprivileged students to get collegiate education and make the first generation learners graduate and employable.


  • Enabling each individual to become aware of the dignity and value
  • Facilitating the overall development of all sections of the college community
  • Providing students with education for life
  • Promoting human and secular values
  • Bringing about social change
  • Fostering critical thinking
  • Providing holistic development in human personality
  • Facilitating good ambience and excellent infrastructural facilities
  • Creating career opportunities for young thriving talents
  • Encouraging the concept of “education for all” by providing educational scholarship through various Government schemes
  • Training and equipping all the students in terms of employability and to Keep abreast of global competition
  • Giving a quality education to the first generation learners (caring and make them employable).