Department of Corporate Secretaryship


Bachelor of commerce in Corporate Secretaryship was established in the year 2004 with 2 faculty members & 31 students. Presently the department has 7 faculty members and 300 students. This course involves advanced study of the concepts and processes of corporate governance, with particular focus on the areas of secretarial practices and company laws. In order to enhance the employability skills, students are exposed to interaction with leading industries, project work, paper presentation etc. The students of the department have excelled in academics & extracurricular activities as well.


To improve the quality of education and practical knowledge of the students to face the challenges in the corporate world.

  • To expose our students to practical situations in companies for the purpose of imparting employability skills which emphasis on professional ethics and values.
  • To develop immense knowledge in the field of corporate governance, Accounting, Direct marketing, and Indirect taxes.
  • To nurture ethics, governance and social responsibility as the strategies for success to the life-long learning.
  • To develop the personality and communication skill of the students and to make them excel in corporate knowledge and fulfil the expectations of the corporate sectors.
  • To develop the skills of analysing, evaluating problems and taking decisions.
PO1Disciplinary knowledge: Capable of demonstrating comprehensive knowledge and understanding of one or more Disciplines that form a part of an Undergraduate Programme of Study
PO2Communication Skills: Ability to express thoughts and ideas effectively in writing and orally; Communicative with others using appropriate media: confidently share one’s views and express herself / himself; demonstrate the ability to listen carefully, read and write analytically and present complex information in a clear and concise manner to different groups.
PO3Critical Thinking: Capability to apply analytic thought to the body of knowledge; analyses and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, beliefs on the basis of empirical evidence; identify relevant assumptions or implications; formulate coherent arguments; critically evaluate practices, policies and theories by following scientific approach to knowledge development.
PO4Problem Solving: Capacity to extrapolate from what one has learnt and apply their competencies to solve different kinds of non- familiar problems, rather than replicate curriculum content knowledge; and apply one’s learning to real life situations
PO5Analytical Reasoning: Ability to evaluate the reliability and relevance of evidence; identify logical flaws and holes in the arguments of others; analyse and synthesize data from the variety of sources; draw valid conclusion and support them with evidence and examples and addressing opposing viewpoints.
PO6Research- related skill: A sense of inquiry and capability for asking relevant/appropriate questions, problem arising, synthesising and articulating, Ability to recognize cause and effect relationships, define problems, formulate hypothesis, analyse and interpret and draw conclusions from data, establish hypothesis, predict cause and effect relationships, execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation.
PO7Co-operation/Team work: Ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams; facilitate cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group, and act together as a group or a team in the interests of a common cause and work efficiently as a member of the team.
PO8Scientific reasoning: Ability to analyse, interpret and draw conclusions from quantitative or qualitative data: and critically evaluate ideas, evidence and experiences from an open minded and reasoned perspective
PO9Reflective thinking: Critical sensibility to lived experiences, with self-awareness and reflexivity of both self and society.
PO10Information/Digital Literacy: Capability to use ICT in variety of learning situations, demonstrate ability to access, evaluate and use a variety.
PO11Self- directed learning: ability to work independently, identify appropriate resources required for a project and manage a project through to completion.
PO12Multicultural competence: Posses knowledge of values and belief of multiple cultures and global perspective: and capability to effectively engage in a multicultural society and interact respectfully with diverse groups.
PSO1Placement: To prepare the students who will demonstrate respectful engagement with others’ ideas, behaviours, beliefs and apply diverse frames of reference to decisions and action. Further the students are encouraged with add-on value based and job-oriented courses which ensure them to sustain in the organisation level.
PSO2Contribution to Business World: Apply theoretical concepts to business practices to produce employable, ethical, and innovative professionals to sustain in the dynamic business world.
PSO3Contribution to the Society: To contribute to the development of the society by collaborating with stakeholders for mutual benefit. Become acquainted with commercial knowledge and soft skill to react in the most appropriate way when faced with challenges in the society.

Student Achievements:


  • Mythili of II year has completed basic computing skills short term course.
  • Santhosh kumar , G. Dhanusha , Ester Princy, A Deepak , Bhavani, Santhosh Kumar, R. Santhosh of III year and Jothi of II year awaiting for typewriting course completion certificate.


  • Students of III year took part in campus drive organized by Placement cell in association with IQAC by Bhoomi foundation.


  • 10 boys and 4 girls of the department participated in the various sports events organized by Physical Education Department.
  • Rajeshwari of III B.COM (CS) won 2nd prize in 100 meter race in sports event held in college premises on 06.10.2022.
  • Shamini & Anusha of III B.COM (CS) won 2nd prize in 5000 meter race in sports event held in college premises on 06.10.2022.


  • Leenasri, Surya Prakash, Vishal, Riyaz khan of III years & Abitha, Pasupathy of II year welcomed Freshers on 07.09.2022 with interesting activities and games.
  • Girls of I, II, III year won I prize for Tug of War competition on Onam Celebration held on 09.09.2022.
  • Students from II year & III year took part in Pookalam Competition held in college premises during Onam Celebration on 09.09.2022.
  • Students from III year participated in Cook without Fire Competition held in Competition held in college premises during Onam Celebration on 09.09.2022.
  • Students from III year & I year took part in Drawing Competition held in college premises during Onam Celebration on 09.09.2022.


  • Surya Prakash of III year of the department participated on Anti ragging camp organized by NSS on 25.08.2022.
  • Several students took part in World’s largest Palm Impression Painting of Mahatma Gandhiji in 15000 sqft length of cloth held in Santhome Hr. Sec. School on 02.10.2022.
  • Aadhilakshmi from II year B section won I prize in Uriadithal competition conducted on pongal day celebration.
  • Parveen sulthana & Nilofar nisha presented a paper in SIET ollege during January 2015.
  • NSS boys Vigneshwar, Shankar & Ramesh of I Year attended the camp from 27.01.17 to 31.01.17.
  • Nss girls Sipporal, Renuka, Yuvarani attended their camp in government school, Tharapakkam.
  • The Overall championship in kalai fest 2017–season2 for final year students which was held on 5th August was bagged by Department of corporate secretaryship
  • Students actively participated in all the events conducted in Mullai Elakiya Mandram held in our college on 11th August 2017 organized by Department of Tamil.
  • 13 students from Bcomcs department participated in the intercollegiate events at Hindustan College of Arts & science on 18th
  • 5 students of Bcom cs department participated in the intercollegiate competition conducted in Hindustan college on 6th February 2018
  • 15 students of Bcom cs department participated in the intercollegiate competition conducted in DRBCC HINDU College on 8th February 2018.
  • 20 students of I, II,III Years has won cups & certificates in the 15th annual sports meet conducted in our college on 24th February2018.
  • K of III year department of corporate secretaryship has secured Centum in Statistics II during the Academic year 2017 – 2018.
  • Rajeshwari of II year department of corporate secretaryship has secured Centum(External ) in Corporate Secretaryship during the Academic year 2018 – 2019 (ODD).
  • Department of Corporate Secretaryship students are well encouraged & motivated, which makes them to actively participate in extracurricular & co curricular activities.

Faculty Achievements:

  • O.S. Vedavalli, Head of the Department went for valuation to Guru Nanak College on 16.07.2022
  • O.S. Vedavalli, Head of the department went as an External chief superintendent to D.G. Vaishnav college on 23.06.2022 to 27.06.2022
  • O.S. Vedavalli, Head of the Department, introduced the scope, opportunity and other activities of the department to the I year admitted students on 21.07.2022.
  • In the National Service Scheme campaign at CSI Bishop Corrie Anglo-Indian Higher Secondary School under the heading of Personality Enrichment, O.S. Vedavalli  took part as a resource person.
  • Vedavalli has presented a paper on Conceptual framework of sustainability which was conducted by International Journal of management & technology.
  • Jayaprakash has presented a paper on Recent trends in banking technology which was conducted by Kasi nadar college of arts & Science.
  • Nekodemux has presented a paper on Study on Customer engagement and experience towards brand loyalty which was conducted by Alpha college of arts & Science.

Seminars/Conference Participated

  • O.S. Vedavalli, Mr. M. Ramesh, Mr. A. Ranjith, Ms. K.P. Anitha, Ms. Agrima Menon and Mrs. V.Saraswathi participated in One Day National Level Seminar on “Recent Trends in quality research publications- A road map for publication” on 11.08.2022 Organized by Thiruthangal Nadar College.
  • A. Ranjith participated in a FDP “Joy of Teaching” held on 20.08.2022 in DMI College of Engineering.
  • O.S. Vedavalli, Ms. K.P. Anitha and Ms. Agrima Menon participated in an online fcaulty development programe on “ Embracing Change with Innovation” on 01.07.2022.
  • O.S. Vedavalli participated in One Day National Level SDP on “Green Audit & Energy Audit in HEI’s” organized by IOT Academy held on 30.08.2022.
  • O.S. Vedavalli, Mr. A. Ranjith, Ms. K.P. Anitha and Ms. Agrima Menon participated in Three Day FDP on “Enhancing Professional Development” on 27.08.2022, 03.09.2022 & 10.09.2022 Organized by St. Joseph College (Arts & Science) & Sri Saraswathy Soft Skills Academy.
  • M. Ramesh & Mrs. V. Saraswathi participated in a FDP “Logical Reasoning” held on 27.09.2022 organized by Department of Mathematics, St. Joseph College (Arts & Science).
  • O.S. Vedavalli, Mr. A. Ranjith, Ms. K.P. Anitha , Ms. Agrima Menon and Mrs. V. Saraswathi participated in a National Teacher Conference on “Empowering Educators” held on 29.09.2022 organized by The Institute of Company Secretaries of Indian at BKR Convention Hall, Tnagar Chennai.
  • O.S. Vedavalli, Mr. M. Ramesh, Mr. A. Ranjith, Ms. K.P. Anitha, Ms. Agrima Menon, Mrs. V.Saraswathi and Mrs. E. Evangline E participated in Six Days State Level Faculty Development Programme on “ Digitalization in Accounting & Finance from 08.11.2022-14.11.2022 by Department of Commerce PA, KG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
  • O.S. Vedavalli, Mr. A. Ranjith, Ms. K.P.Anitha, Mrs. V.Saraswathi and Mrs. E. Evangline  participated in Seven days International Faculty Development Programme  on “ Professional Progression in Commerce & Management from -14.12.2022 to-20.12.2022 jointly organized by Department of Corporate Secretaryship, Information system management and Department of Business administration,  Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women(Autonomous).
  • M.Ramesh, Ms.K.P.Anitha and Mrs.V.Saraswathi participated in “Seven days National Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Ethics in Research & Research Methodology” from 19.12.2022 to 26.12.2022 organized by Department of Commerce with Accounting & Finance, KG College of Arts & Science.
  • Vedavalli & Mr.Nekodemux has participated in training for trainers which was organized by Loyola College of Arts & Science.
  • Jayaprakash has participated in Research Methodology conference conducted by SRM University.


  • Excellency performance award has been awarded to Mr.Jayaprakash in the year 2016.
  • Shankari has received Best Commerce Teacher award for her excellency.
1FDPMr.M.BhuvaneshBusiness Law21/07/2022
2FDPDr.ValarmathiCorporate Governance22/07/2022
3SeminarMrs.MohanaCommunication Skill5/8/2022
4Add-on CourseMS.Anitha
Logistics Management
5Orientation – I YearsMrs.Geetha RameshPersonality Development6/9/2022
7WorkshopMr.Lavan LokeshDigital Marketing11/10/2022
8Intra-Collegiate Competition-Cognitive Rivalry21/10/2022
9Guest LectureMs.Jenifer VinobaPersonality Enrichment9/1/2023