
A computerized and spacious library is available with a large number of books on various topics. In addition, the college subscribes to a good number of national and international journals. The library is under the supervision of a professional librarian and it is opened to all the members of the college.

Rules and Regulations

  • Every student on having enrolled in the college becomes a member of the college library.
  • The library will remain open from 9.30 a.m to 3.30 p.m on all working days.
  • Students who want to borrow books should produce their ID cards and obtain library cards. One book will be issued against each ticket.
  • The members must maintain strict silence in the library.
  • Reference books and periodicals will not be issued, but are available for reference within the library premises.
  • No member shall keep a book for more than seven days. If the due date happens to be a holiday, the book shall be returned on the next working day.
  • Absence from the college shall not be entertained as an excuse for the delay in returning the books.
  • If a member fails to return the library book on the due date, a fine of Rs.2/= per book per day shall be collected for the first five days and thereafter the fine will be Rs.3/= per book per day.
  • On receiving a book, the member must examine it at once and report any damage found. If he/she fails to do so, he/she may be held responsible for any damage detected when returning it.
  • If a member has lost a book, then the book has to be replaced by the member.
    All books must be returned to the library two days before the model examination commences.
    No hall ticket for the semester examination will be issued to a student until all the books are returned and other dues outstanding against the student are cleared.
    At the end of the final year of study, member should return the library cards issued to them. Penalty will be collected if cards are lost by the member.