
Founder Message

Wishes from the Founder
Dear Friends,

DMI and MMI are Congregations of Catholic Religious Sisters and Priests known for their service to humanity in many parts of the world.

Self respect through Self sustenance, Self sustenance through Capacity building, Capacity building through knowledge based technical skills, knowledge based technical skill towards respectable employment, and respectable employment towards the realization of one’s ability to market one’s own ideas, skills and products is our vision for those whom we serve.

To groom well disciplined, humanly motivated, intellectually enlightened, technically oriented citizens with stamina built in to face the changing world and a committed and strong spiritual base is our goal.

All our educational and developmental services are oriented towards this goal which is to be achieved through the collective effort of consecrated Religious, committed collaborators, dedicated staff, receptive students and all others concerned.
We pray and hope that every person who passes through our hands is nourished and enriched in every way, not only to face the future but also to shape his or her own future and that of our country and the universe.

May God bless you all!
Rev Fr.Dr.J.E.Arul Raj
Founder and Chairman

Message from the Administrator

Dear Staff and Students,

Welcome to St. Joseph’s College (Arts & Science) Kovur. Yes, indeed you are a proud student of our esteemed college for men & women. For those of you, who have been in college already for a year or more, welcome back! Let us commit ourselves to a year of excellence, integrity, service, and love. Let us extend ourselves beyond our current boundaries and give ourselves to each other and society.

Our college places the highest value on comprehensive, professional, and socially-relevant education. Our entire curriculum enables each of you in the college to imbibe skills that are essential for negotiating life’s challenges whether personal, familial, community or professional.

We in the college aim at personal growth as well as professional competence inspire and encourage a sense of social responsibility to serve others who may be less fortunate than you. May all that the college imparts to you, step your potential for excellence to the fullest and groom you to be an empowered and empowering patriotic citizen of our beloved country-India.


Message from the Principal

Dear Friends,

St.Joseph’s has always stood to its motto “Educate To Excel” in nurturing the young minds admitted into its folds. The college strives to provide a healthy and harmonious atmosphere to inculcate quality education and right values to its students. Managed by sisters of DMI, this college has committed itself to transform every student in to a competent and confident adult, law abiding and spiritually enlightened citizen.

In this era of opportunities which has high competition, it is of paramount importance to acquire skill set and knowledge with positive attitude, develop social and moral values, compassion for fellow human beings and nature. Be proud of the legacy of your college and opportunities it offers. Take part in activities and be part of the club which will help you to hone your skills. To be successful in life have ambition and set your goals clearly. Your effort with the able guidance of our staff members will help you to reach the pinnacle of success. Our College is the place where not only gems shine but pebbles are also polished to shine.

St.Joseph is committed to give placement assistance to all its students and we have taken all the effort to place eligible final year students in companies of repute. It is our earnest wish that every student who enters this portal should leave with a placement offer along with their degree. The department of placement and training is working towards achieving this vision. On behalf of this big St.Joseph family I wish each and everyone of you all the best for achieving greater success in life.
